
Building on biblical foundations is the key to success in missions and preparing for the field

Start Now

There is no time like the present. When we give back to the Lord, He gives back to us.

Your Future

There is a lot riding on our youth. The youth today is tomorrow’s future

What TFM Offers

Practical Skills

Obviously the most important of any course taught by the church should be Biblical Studies. The TFM Biblical Studies course will focus on those areas of biblical doctrine, biblical principles, and biblical church practice that are important in the mission field and in Christian service. The topics will be wide-ranging and will vary in depth and scope. But when the course is completed, the participants will have a well-rounded and working knowledge of the Word of GodSo many times we focus only on the spiritual areas of ministry. But the truth is, there are many practical, everyday skills necessary to be an effective missionary in a foreign field. Many times missionaries have needs that they cannot call on someone else to fix, or they simply cannot afford to pay to have it done. The Practical Skills portion of the TFM course will focus on equipping people with the most basic skills in several areas of life. It is not our intention to create experts in these skills, but only to equip people with the necessary understanding and ability to deal with unforeseen problems and needs that may arise. These classes will be taught by different professionals in each of the fields.

Ministry Participation

This is where Christian men and women will become actively involved in the ministry of the local church. It is one thing to be told how to do something, or why we should do something, but it is a totally different thing to become active in ministry. Participants in the TFM course will be required to serve in various ministries of the church. They will be asked to use their knowledge and skills to be a productive part of the body of Christ.